Tobes49: Y piece (3)
Tobes49: Taking a mould off the foam and filler base
Tobes49: Back support in release agent
Tobes49: Back support covered in filler
Tobes49: Foam for back support
Tobes49: Sticking the foam together
Tobes49: Stainless welding the Y Piece
Tobes49: All most finnished
Tobes49: Thrust and steering nozzle
Tobes49: New nozzle and tube
Tobes49: Steering nozzle
Tobes49: Finnished splitter
Tobes49: Y bent with forward offset
Tobes49: Start of the massive welding job
Tobes49: Y Piece
Tobes49: 1 sid off the splitter
Tobes49: Making the 2 90deg bends to make the Y piece
Tobes49: New nozzles
Tobes49: 90deg bend and nozzle
Tobes49: fiberglass mould
Tobes49: fiberglass mould
Tobes49: fiberglass mould