ToastyKen: Queenstown, New Zealand
ToastyKen: The Remarkables, from Queenstown, New Zealand
ToastyKen: 2-photo HDR, Somewhere in Fiordland National Park, NZ
ToastyKen: Waterfall somewhere in Fiordland National Park, NZ
ToastyKen: 1 sec exposure, Waterfall somewhere in Fiordland National Park, NZ
ToastyKen: Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Sea Lion at Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Mountain peak at Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Backlit Mountain Peak at Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Mountain peak at Milford Sound
ToastyKen: Feeding an alpaca
ToastyKen: Feeding an alpaca
ToastyKen: Alpaca
ToastyKen: Kea landing on a kea
ToastyKen: This is fine.
ToastyKen: Keas are on the bane of drivers
ToastyKen: Kea on a car (sadly not a Kia)
ToastyKen: Wood Pigeon, the world's second largest pigeon!
ToastyKen: Shelduck, halfway between a duck and a goose
ToastyKen: Quail
ToastyKen: Tui
ToastyKen: Lake Hawea
ToastyKen: Waterfall on New Zealand West Coast
ToastyKen: Heading toward Franz Josef Glacier across a dried riverbed
ToastyKen: Franz Josef Glacier
ToastyKen: Helicopter for scale!
ToastyKen: Franz Josef Glacier
ToastyKen: I wonder how long that rock has been lodged there
ToastyKen: Moss patterns