ToastyKen: Arts et Métiers Metro Stop
ToastyKen: Mathematical instrument kit, 18th Century
ToastyKen: Loxocosm, early 18th Century
ToastyKen: Armillary sphere, 18th Century
ToastyKen: Electrical discharger in the form of a hunter, late 18th Century
ToastyKen: Marine clock no. 8 with motor weight, 1768
ToastyKen: Inverted microscope, circa 1870
ToastyKen: Hyperbolic paraboloid, 1830, by Théodore Olivier
ToastyKen: Device by La Rive for the reproduction of the Aurora Borealis, 1864
ToastyKen: Cray-2 Supercomputer, 1985
ToastyKen: 3.5" floppy disks are now in museums :(
ToastyKen: AutoVacC 6, 1990, ancestor of the Roomba :)
ToastyKen: Old cranes
ToastyKen: Expansion of the original model of the plaster head of the Statue of Liberty, 1878
ToastyKen: Shaping and assembling of the copper head of the Statue of Liberty, 1878
ToastyKen: Yost typewriter, circa 1900
ToastyKen: Hammond no. 2 typewriter, 1893
ToastyKen: Grandjean shorthand machine, 1923
ToastyKen: Hidden cameras (even the gun) from 1880-1910
ToastyKen: "Chronophone" sound projector by Léon Gaumont, 1910
ToastyKen: Steam-driven "Fardier" by Nicolas Joseph Cugnot
ToastyKen: Otto Safety Bicycle, 1879