Kristin Myers Harvey: My loves. #happysaturday #enjoytoday
Gabludlow: Moss Blanket
hbmike2000: Bring The Old New
shutterdoula: Headlights in the mist-1
April Joy Gutel: Undercover
vanilla_jo: Splash
crumlyt: IMGP2111
bcud14: 29/365 « If only, in a blink, ...»
Wild Pixel Safaris: Young Giraffe
Sonora Guy: Meet My New Giraffe
Pierce Place: IMG_2139
Pierce Place: IMG_5349
Pierce Place: IMG_2176
kerri_hamilton: KLH_3035
curtishung: Zebra
Wild Pixel Safaris: Zebra eyes Closeup
hbmike2000: Coming To Our Senses
MM Photo's: Bread!
gatiodaniel: Asti III
Thorpeland: Rosie
hcorper: Yellow tape measure
Denim Dave: yellow bell pepper
Rafei3: Yellow area
Paul K.-QuixoteImages: 2/52 A Morning Tweet
Notsoaveragemama: Day 4/365: Blue Eyed Betty Lovin'