tnthomps: Gecko
tnthomps: Can't they read?
tnthomps: Grey Jay
tnthomps: Stellars Jay
tnthomps: School's in session...
tnthomps: Busy Bees
tnthomps: West Coast Lady
tnthomps: Waiting for lunch.
tnthomps: Western Swallowtail
tnthomps: Visiting the flowers
tnthomps: Golden Mantled Ground Squirrel
tnthomps: Canada Goose and gosling.
tnthomps: Stellars Jay
tnthomps: Bighorn Sheep
tnthomps: Pika
tnthomps: American Dipper
tnthomps: Beaver
tnthomps: Feasting
tnthomps: Cormorants
tnthomps: Green Heron
tnthomps: Osprey
tnthomps: Tri-Color Heron
tnthomps: Brown Pelicans
tnthomps: Tri-Color Heron
tnthomps: Blue Heron
tnthomps: Friday night at the ol' watering hole.
tnthomps: Eye Spy.
tnthomps: Great Egret
tnthomps: American Avocet
tnthomps: Turkey Vulture