Tracy Keller: Predawn
Tracy Keller: The usual beautiful Texas sunrise
Tracy Keller: Le Mans start
Tracy Keller: Lookin fresh and relaxed
Tracy Keller: Third lap arrival
Tracy Keller: Dawn
Tracy Keller: Sunrise
Tracy Keller: One of the first lap arrivals - maybe the first, can't remember :)
Tracy Keller: IMG_0611
Tracy Keller: First lap - first female arrival
Tracy Keller: just passing time
Tracy Keller: Dragonfly
Tracy Keller: Off to lap 2
Tracy Keller: IMG_0667
Tracy Keller: It's just too hot!
Tracy Keller: IMG_0678
Tracy Keller: I think he was the youngest solo male
Tracy Keller: Can you imagine riding your bike for 6 hours and 49 minutes in 105 degree heat?
Tracy Keller: The end.