Hellcat Hollingsworth: Get thee to the mountains!
Hellcat Hollingsworth: A perfect camping spot- on top of a glacial morraine
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Jamie, setting up camp
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Waving hello
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Smokin' a stogie
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Lindy Hop at Camp Hollingsworth
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Scoping out the creek we would have to cross the next day
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Loobelle-smilin' for the camera
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Cossy- testing out the whole pack thing
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Loo followed by her trusty follower
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Jamie- my own personal bear protection
Hellcat Hollingsworth: The Wolf-dog
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Taking a break
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Cosmo kisses
Hellcat Hollingsworth: A nudge means more
Hellcat Hollingsworth: The yellow frames take #2
Hellcat Hollingsworth: View up the creek
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Sitting like the good boy he is!
Hellcat Hollingsworth: 11:45pm, sunset on our last evening
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Wet and happy
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Driving North