Hellcat Hollingsworth: Canoe and shotgun
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Lorien, patroling our island
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Dad enjoying his morning cuppa
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Smile for the camera
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Lorien and Jamie, making the stove work
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Loobelle, our canoe dog extraordinaire!
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Boiling water by the river
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Sometime I can get a smile out of him!
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Hat Trick and Lindy
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Tents and mountains
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Sharing a smile
Hellcat Hollingsworth: Loo asleep at camp
Hellcat Hollingsworth: End of the trip!
Hellcat Hollingsworth: The family, enjoying the moment
Hellcat Hollingsworth: See, sometimes we are still in love!