tclarke.rm: Mark Williams
tclarke.rm: Michael Buchanan
tclarke.rm: Jon Olsen
tclarke.rm: Mark knee deep
tclarke.rm: Mike B. looks for a better way
tclarke.rm: Up and up some more
tclarke.rm: John Souza
tclarke.rm: Snow on the sign
tclarke.rm: Michigan Bluff
tclarke.rm: Western States Trail
tclarke.rm: Bridge over the river
tclarke.rm: Canyon View
tclarke.rm: Canyon Ridge
tclarke.rm: Climbing up to the snow
tclarke.rm: What month is it?
tclarke.rm: Still climbing
tclarke.rm: Jon sans snow shoes
tclarke.rm: Unrelenting
tclarke.rm: Water stop 1
tclarke.rm: Water stop 2
tclarke.rm: Water stop 3
tclarke.rm: Almost at Devil's Thumb
tclarke.rm: Ready to go
tclarke.rm: 3 smiles and a grimace
tclarke.rm: Where's the trail?
tclarke.rm: Homeward bound
tclarke.rm: Retaining wall...
tclarke.rm: All Hail!