tnchanse: Roman Gate = The Porta Principalis Dextra or North Western Gate of the Roman Fortress.
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral ~ South Transept Windows
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: York Minster Window, North Aisle
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, Windows
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, Windows
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, Windows
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, Windows
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, Windows
tnchanse: The South Transept, York Minster, Cathedral
tnchanse: South Transcept, York Minster Cathedral, York, UK
tnchanse: The Climb to the Pulpit
tnchanse: Chapel @ York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral, West End ~ Rose
tnchanse: York Minster, York, UK
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral ~ Windows everywhere
tnchanse: Rose Window, York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: Vaulted Ceiling: York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: Chancel ~ York Minster Cathedral
tnchanse: Johannes Dolben
tnchanse: Archbishop Johannes Dolben, York Minster Cathedral.