tnchanse: Chicago rises through the pavement and traffic, II.
tnchanse: Passing through Chicago...
tnchanse: Here we come, Chicago!
tnchanse: Bricks, Bricks, Everywhere.
tnchanse: Dinner at Hemingway's Bistro
tnchanse: The Menu
tnchanse: Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL I
tnchanse: Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL III
tnchanse: Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL II
tnchanse: Austin Gardens, Oak Park, IL
tnchanse: Early arrival at United Center for Madonna Concert. After a day of touring Frank Lloyd Wright homes in Oak Park, the Episcopal Church (to be pictured later ) we head out to the United Center for a Madonna concert. We arrived early.
tnchanse: The Crowd Gathers...
tnchanse: … and it's a go, flying drummers and just about everything else. An awesome evening!
tnchanse: More flying drummers
tnchanse: More Flying Drummers - Madonna, Chicago, September 19, 2012
tnchanse: Breakfast at Hemingway's Bistro
tnchanse: There, that's a little better.. : )
tnchanse: Homeward Bound
tnchanse: Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL
tnchanse: Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL
tnchanse: Grace Episcopal Church, Oak Park, IL
tnchanse: Reaching for the Heavens