tnano: Snowbirds from Air Force Beach
tnano: Snowbird 5 to position
tnano: Mountain backdrop
tnano: Well I kinda got it!
tnano: Silhouettes
tnano: Landing Comox
tnano: Formation landing
tnano: Snowbird tutor in Langley
tnano: Snowbird on Arrival day
tnano: Snowbirds
tnano: Snowbirds
tnano: Snowbirds
tnano: Buzzing the control tower
tnano: Snowbirds arriving
tnano: One, two...
tnano: like a flower
tnano: Great day on the waterfront
tnano: Just like flying behind
tnano: I don't know the names
tnano: furball
tnano: Overda top
tnano: Just airborne
tnano: Over the top
tnano: Proud birds
tnano: Snowbirds off 12 Comox
tnano: Through the smoke
tnano: Smokin
tnano: Mountain backdrop
tnano: Ten jets
tnano: Eagle VS Snowbirds II