tnano: Yet another Baker shot
tnano: Week two of Trident Fury
tnano: DAMN Low!
tnano: Ready to go 27
tnano: Nice view on a 27 departure
tnano: Slow down
tnano: F15
tnano: Burners super crop
tnano: Another day of Trident Fury
tnano: And again today
tnano: Starting to cloud up
tnano: IT BEGINS!
tnano: F-15s taxiing for departure 27
tnano: Departing in a fury
tnano: Taxing out for the first flight
tnano: Wave
tnano: Overshoot! Check out em missiles!
tnano: The British AWACS
tnano: Off 27
tnano: Landing in front of the arrestor cables
tnano: Fury flight taxing out
tnano: A CF-18 touches down
tnano: Look at that thrust
tnano: Nice landing
tnano: Keeping the nose off
tnano: Tight formation overhead
tnano: Overhead Break!
tnano: Flyby
tnano: All that heat!
tnano: CF-18 depart