The Kids and Kahlie: Crystal Cove Sunset
The Kids and Kahlie: Mackenzie Beach Sunrise
The Kids and Kahlie: Hidden Starfish
The Kids and Kahlie: Crystal Cove
The Kids and Kahlie: Colourful Anenome
The Kids and Kahlie: Mama's Running Away from the Ocean
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas and Mama Are Going Right Into the Ocean and Then They're Turning Around and Going Back Onto the Beach
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas in the Water
The Kids and Kahlie: Gavin and the Surfers
The Kids and Kahlie: Gavin, Thomas, and Mama Walking in the Water
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas is in the Water and Gavin is Not
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas Has a Wave That's Very Big and It's Going to Blow Him Away
The Kids and Kahlie: Mama Is Swinging Thomas In the Water
The Kids and Kahlie: Surfers Are Nice and They Can Go Very Fast and Sometimes They Can Not
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas is an Elephant, So Nice, and He Sounds Like an Elephant
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas Is So Nice at the Beach And He's Looking at the Ocean
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas Walking That Way
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas With a Funny Thing
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas With a Giant Snake, er, Kelp
The Kids and Kahlie: The Girls
The Kids and Kahlie: Sunset Over MacKenzie Beach
The Kids and Kahlie: Papa and Thomas on the Longest Beach
The Kids and Kahlie: That Is All the Beach
The Kids and Kahlie: Boy on Beach
The Kids and Kahlie: Hitchin' a Ride
The Kids and Kahlie: Papa With His Camera
The Kids and Kahlie: Thomas' Muscles, er, Mussels