The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Holding the Baby
The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Holding the Baby Gently and Then I'm Not Saying Cheese
The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Feeling Her Hair Very Gently
The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Just Saying Cheese
The Kids and Kahlie: I am Thomas, Kahlie, and Baby
The Kids and Kahlie: The Baby's Looking Open Her Eyes
The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Awake
The Kids and Kahlie: Is that a smile?
The Kids and Kahlie: Ahhhh ...
The Kids and Kahlie: Hanging by my toes
The Kids and Kahlie: I'm Alert
The Kids and Kahlie: Papa and Baby
The Kids and Kahlie: Whoa ... that's my sister?
The Kids and Kahlie: Squished Nose
The Kids and Kahlie: Bright Eyes
The Kids and Kahlie: First Scream