tmrae: 1st Backpacking Trip with Grandpa
tmrae: Bob & Stan Ascending
tmrae: Stan Arrives
tmrae: Ancient of Days
tmrae: Jared
tmrae: Tom
tmrae: AAAHHHH!!!
tmrae: George & Ken
tmrae: Penner Pose
tmrae: Brian & Jared
tmrae: Ken
tmrae: Half Moon
tmrae: Mountain Men and Fur Traders of the Far West... The book, not the reader.
tmrae: Feet Up
tmrae: In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
tmrae: Awaiting the Day
tmrae: Stan the Man
tmrae: Dayglow
tmrae: Penner Sunrise
tmrae: Sentinel
tmrae: Juniper
tmrae: Three Generations of Stutzmans
tmrae: Brian is Down!
tmrae: Stan & Tom
tmrae: Lost