Ted Moravec: Monte Baldo
Ted Moravec: Pitigliano
Ted Moravec: Vesuvio
Ted Moravec: Path to the beach
Ted Moravec: Pompei and Vesuvio
Ted Moravec: Morning fog in Tuscany
Ted Moravec: Clouds over Amalfi
Ted Moravec: Pitigliano
Ted Moravec: Lago di Garda
Ted Moravec: A villa
Ted Moravec: A fishing house
Ted Moravec: An Italian morning
Ted Moravec: A cascade
Ted Moravec: Panorama shot of Vesuvio crater
Ted Moravec: Morning in Tuscany
Ted Moravec: Pompei street
Ted Moravec: Pitigliano
Ted Moravec: Would you like to live here? Or at least spend a couple of days?
Ted Moravec: Costiera Amalfitana
Ted Moravec: Vesuvio
Ted Moravec: Morning in Tuscany
Ted Moravec: A cascade
Ted Moravec: Yeah...
Ted Moravec: Morning in Tuscany
Ted Moravec: Amalfi
Ted Moravec: A fishing house
Ted Moravec: Evening in the mountains
Ted Moravec: Evening in the mountains
Ted Moravec: This is maybe my first photograph where I used bokeh creatively