TxTmom: DSCN2907
TxTmom: I made it!-------yummy
TxTmom: second attempt at meringue
TxTmom: Becky's blueberry dutch baby
TxTmom: Market Square on a quiet day
TxTmom: sidewalk seating
TxTmom: Don & Jill
TxTmom: Door man
TxTmom: never ending mexican pastries
TxTmom: lots of photo opps
TxTmom: DSCN2921
TxTmom: DSCN2923
TxTmom: good with TexMex
TxTmom: TexMex at its finest
TxTmom: Love this space!
TxTmom: Jill & Don taking in decor
TxTmom: entertainment----living statue
TxTmom: Don, Becky, Jill having red white & green coconut sweets
TxTmom: red & green
TxTmom: coconut treats-----green & red
TxTmom: armor for each of us
TxTmom: ---taking this home on the plane