TxTmom: Christmas tree becomes-------
TxTmom: PC270023
TxTmom: PC280030
TxTmom: DSCN1917_2
TxTmom: DSCN1919
TxTmom: DSCN1920
TxTmom: Don gets a kick out of the David apron
TxTmom: Claudia & Jill
TxTmom: munchies
TxTmom: Don & Don---kitchen duty
TxTmom: DSCN1932
TxTmom: forgot to snap it before I ate it
TxTmom: short nap
TxTmom: DSCN1943
TxTmom: DSCN1944
TxTmom: DSCN1946
TxTmom: toasting the new year
TxTmom: we forgot the sparklers------