tmib_seattle: 1. Preparing materials: snell the hook
tmib_seattle: 2. materials ready to tie
tmib_seattle: 3. sewing the zonker strip
tmib_seattle: 4.sewing the zonker strip
tmib_seattle: 5. wrap the thread on the hook
tmib_seattle: 6.tie down the zonker strip
tmib_seattle: 6a. proportions
tmib_seattle: 7. wrap thread on front hook
tmib_seattle: 8. Tie zonker strip down
tmib_seattle: 9. advance the thread
tmib_seattle: 10.tie the zonker down in the front
tmib_seattle: 11.tie off the tag end of the line
tmib_seattle: 13.wrap the zonker strip
tmib_seattle: 14.tied off zonker
tmib_seattle: 15.dubbing
tmib_seattle: 15.clip off hook
tmib_seattle: 16. The finished fly, while dry.
tmib_seattle: 17. The finished fly after wetting it.
tmib_seattle: 18.Tip1
tmib_seattle: 19.tip2
tmib_seattle: 20.tip3
tmib_seattle: 21.tip4
tmib_seattle: 22.tip5
tmib_seattle: 23.tip6