tmd: Mmm, get your grub on
tmd: My Corona
tmd: DSC_0023
tmd: The spread
tmd: People huddled out of the rain
tmd: The people seeking shelter
tmd: Soccer in the rain
tmd: Run from the rain!
tmd: Nicknicknicknicknanicknicknick
tmd: The food outside
tmd: Food closer
tmd: DSC_0014
tmd: Mmmmm, food!
tmd: DSC_0012
tmd: Flag decorated dessert
tmd: The end zone
tmd: People milling about
tmd: Soccer players everywhere
tmd: Some raininess
tmd: Rain outbreak #1
tmd: Zebra
tmd: More zebra blanket
tmd: The place to be
tmd: Goal posts
tmd: Annette & Debbie