tmat1075: Shirley Hinze Muesse -March 1956
tmat1075: Jimmie Hinze with Al Gore - article
tmat1075: Billie Hinze - article
tmat1075: Doris Mae Heilers and Judy Matula
tmat1075: Judy Matula - basketball
tmat1075: Round Top Church - Sunday School
tmat1075: Round Top Sons of Hermann - March 24, 1963
tmat1075: Grace and Clarence as kids 1930
tmat1075: The Hinzes 1961
tmat1075: The Hinzes 1954 in chicken house
tmat1075: the Hinzes 1944
tmat1075: the Hinzes Wedding 1940
tmat1075: the Hinzes in Miles, TX
tmat1075: The Hinzes - March 1956
tmat1075: Hills School 1930
tmat1075: Grace Hinze 1962 with Bradley
tmat1075: Grace Braun 1935 confirmation
tmat1075: Grace Braun 1934
tmat1075: Grace Braun 1923
tmat1075: Hinze 50th Wedding Anniversary
tmat1075: C W Hinze - obituary
tmat1075: Hinze Children
tmat1075: Braun Siblings - June 10, 1989
tmat1075: Hartfiels And Hinze - May 7, 1984
tmat1075: Judy Matula holding Bradley Muesse
tmat1075: Hinze House - November 1957
tmat1075: Clarence and Grace Hinze with 3 Kids
tmat1075: Hinze Family (1960?)
tmat1075: Clarence Hinze - April 1955
tmat1075: Shirley Hinze Muesse as a baby