TMac1010: DSC_0222
TMac1010: Mallards waiting for the pool to open
TMac1010: Twins
TMac1010: Camoflauge
TMac1010: Cardinal rule
TMac1010: Milo
TMac1010: Me and Dylan hanging out at the Youghiogheny River
TMac1010: Baughmans Overlook, Laurel Highlands of Pa
TMac1010: "The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness" John Muir
TMac1010: "I think that I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree" Joyce Kilmer
TMac1010: "In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks." John Muir
TMac1010: Crimson
TMac1010: DSC_0290
TMac1010: DSC_0348
TMac1010: Whitetail fawn
TMac1010: Feeding time
TMac1010: Follow the leader
TMac1010: DSC_0428
TMac1010: Leaf me alone
TMac1010: And this is how you do the flying lotus
TMac1010: What are you looking at?
TMac1010: AFLAC!!!
TMac1010: Hot Hot Hot
TMac1010: All good things are wild and free
TMac1010: Respect Wildlife!
TMac1010: Canadian Goose
TMac1010: Double Vision
TMac1010: Great Blue Heron
TMac1010: Wild goose chase
TMac1010: Capt. Jack Sparrow