jeremy_cohen: Great potoo
jeremy_cohen: Mangrove cuckoo
jeremy_cohen: Ferruginous pygmy owl
jeremy_cohen: Northern jacana
jeremy_cohen: Two-toed sloth
jeremy_cohen: Yellow-throated toucan
jeremy_cohen: White-faced capuchin in a wild mangrove forest
jeremy_cohen: White-eared ground sparrow
jeremy_cohen: Resplendent quetzal
jeremy_cohen: Green iguana
jeremy_cohen: Rufous winged woodcreeper
jeremy_cohen: Basilisk lizard
jeremy_cohen: Baby American Crocodile
jeremy_cohen: Proboscis bat clinging to the underside of a bridge
jeremy_cohen: Bare-throated Tiger Heron
jeremy_cohen: Variegated squirrel
jeremy_cohen: Mottled owl pair in canopy- difficult species to see
jeremy_cohen: Northern emerald toucanet
jeremy_cohen: Great tinamou, elusive rainforest bird
jeremy_cohen: Red-legged honeycreeper
jeremy_cohen: White-faced capuchin
jeremy_cohen: Lesser violetear
jeremy_cohen: Lesson's motmot
jeremy_cohen: Great tinamou, rare to see in the open, in the dark rainforest
jeremy_cohen: Leaf- litter road
jeremy_cohen: Small tree frog at night
jeremy_cohen: Katydid having a snack
jeremy_cohen: Baby howler monkey in the wild
jeremy_cohen: Great kiskadee
jeremy_cohen: Scarlet-rumped tanager