tmcull: Quinag and Loch Assynt
tmcull: Generic waterfall shot!
tmcull: Loch Assynt
tmcull: Loch Assynt and Ardvreck Castle ruins
tmcull: Loch Assynt Shore at Dusk
tmcull: Loch Assynt at Dusk
tmcull: 'Ello Dear!
tmcull: Inchnadamph
tmcull: Ruins of Calda House
tmcull: Ardvreck Castle
tmcull: Inchnadamph Lodge, Assynt Field Centre
tmcull: Loch Assynt Shore
tmcull: Highlands!
tmcull: Loch Assynt
tmcull: Loch Assynt Sunset
tmcull: The path down to Loch Assynt