tlw1012: Harbor mobile cafe/Kaohsiung(explored)
tlw1012: Alley in the night/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: 喜樹-3/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: Lantern festival/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: Sunset/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: Reflections/Tainan Park(explored)
tlw1012: Vendors under the tree(explored)
tlw1012: Temple in the night/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: Shen-non Street/Tainan (explored)
tlw1012: 東福寺5(explored)
tlw1012: 寶嚴院 Kyoto/cropped(explored)
tlw1012: 東福寺/Kyoto(explored)
tlw1012: Kyoto 寶嚴院 (explored)
tlw1012: Shen-nong street/Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: clouds(explored)
tlw1012: Dusk in Tainan(explored)
tlw1012: Colorful clouds (Explored)
tlw1012: Sunset at harbor (Explored)
tlw1012: Leaves(Explored)
tlw1012: Yoga cat (Explored)
tlw1012: Cherry blossoms(explored)
tlw1012: 2012阿里山賞櫻(Explored)
tlw1012: Warship(Explored)
tlw1012: Old house,old man (Explored)
tlw1012: Sunset at Orchid island,Taiwan (Explored)
tlw1012: Old train station/Zhuqi Station(Explored)
tlw1012: In the mountains/Chiayi,Taiwan(Explored)
tlw1012: Oyster shuckers/Chia-yi(explored)
tlw1012: Barbershop/Tainan(Explored)
tlw1012: Spring outing/Tainan(Explored)