tlw1012: Colorful clouds (Explored)
tlw1012: Clouds
tlw1012: Jump!
tlw1012: On the beach
tlw1012: Lotus ,Taitung
tlw1012: Cherry blossom,Tokyo
tlw1012: Taitung sugar factory
tlw1012: Tainan
tlw1012: Taitung sugar factory
tlw1012: Tainan,old house renovated
tlw1012: Tainan countryside
tlw1012: Sintung Sugar Factory Culture Park,Taitung
tlw1012: Fushan Fish Reserve,Taitung
tlw1012: A photo with stories/Mei-nong
tlw1012: Dusk view from university campus/Taipei
tlw1012: light and Shadow/Tokyo
tlw1012: Me and my Contax T2/Tokyo
tlw1012: Gazing/Hsin chu,Taiwan
tlw1012: Antique store/Kamakura,Japan
tlw1012: Buddha/Kamakura
tlw1012: Tea room/Tokyo
tlw1012: Nezu museum/Tokyo
tlw1012: red leaves/Kamakura
tlw1012: Under the bridge/Hsin chu,Taiwan
tlw1012: water basin/Kamakura
tlw1012: Observing/Tokyo
tlw1012: Tokyo 2019
tlw1012: light/Tokyo
tlw1012: Sentry post/Tainan
tlw1012: By the lake/Chia yi,Taiwan