T_Lo: Washing Dishes
T_Lo: Washing Line
T_Lo: Washing Hands
T_Lo: Washing Hands 2
T_Lo: Kate at the Entrance
T_Lo: The Golden Temple
T_Lo: Cooling in the Pool
T_Lo: Quick Dip
T_Lo: Laps
T_Lo: Bathing
T_Lo: Bathing 2
T_Lo: Watching the Line
T_Lo: Watching the Line 2
T_Lo: Watching the Line 3
T_Lo: Water Dishes for the Pilgrims
T_Lo: Washing Water Plates
T_Lo: Religious Prostrations
T_Lo: Lights at the Entrance
T_Lo: Guards at the Entrance
T_Lo: Boy selling popcorn
T_Lo: Peering out the back
T_Lo: Crowded On
T_Lo: Old School Rickshaw