TLMELO: "Ground control to Major Tom: Take your protein pills and put your helmet on" - Elbrus Mount - Russia
TLMELO: "Ground control to Major Tom: Commencing countdown, engines on" - Volcano Cotopaxi from Illinizas - Ecuador
TLMELO: "Check ignition, and may God's love be with you" - Huayna Potosi - Bolívia
TLMELO: "This is ground control to Major Tom: You've really made the grade" - Volcano Cayambe - Ecuador
TLMELO: "And the papers want to know whose shirts you wear" - - Elbrus Mount - Russia
TLMELO: "Now it's time to leave the capsule if you dare" - Huayna Potosi - Bolívia
TLMELO: "This is Major Tom to ground control: I'm stepping through the door" - Volcano Cotopaxi - Ecuador
TLMELO: "I'm floating in the most peculiar way" - Huayna Potosi - Bolívia
TLMELO: "And the stars look very different today" - Condoriri Massif - Bolívia
TLMELO: "For here am I sitting in a tin can" - Condoriri Massif - Bolívia
TLMELO: "Far above the world" - Volcano Cotopaxi - Ecuador
TLMELO: "Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do" - Aconcágua - Argentina
TLMELO: "Though I'm past 100.000 miles" - Aconcágua - Argentina
TLMELO: "I'm feeling very still" - Volcano Cotopaxi from Illinizas - Ecuador
TLMELO: "And I think my spaceship knows which way to go" - Aconcágua - Argentina
TLMELO: "Ground control to Major Tom: Your circuit's dead, there's something wrong" - Huayna Potosi - Bolívia
TLMELO: "Can you hear me Major Tom?" - Volcano Cayambe - Ecuador
TLMELO: "Here am I floating round my tin can" - - Volcano Cayambe - Ecuador
TLMELO: "Far above the moon" - Aconcágua - Argentina
TLMELO: "Planet Earth is blue, and there's nothing I can do" - Huayna Potosi - Bolívia