tlkativ: South of the Border!
tlkativ: Pasha: the best car dog ever
tlkativ: the 87 still worked!
tlkativ: enjoying the low speed limits
tlkativ: happy to be out of the car!
tlkativ: resident lizard
tlkativ: blue heron
tlkativ: relaxing in the lanai
tlkativ: buddies
tlkativ: MJ's steak house - so tasty
tlkativ: our first dinner indoors in over a year! (sea bass bites)
tlkativ: deciding on a scotch
tlkativ: Florida Man
tlkativ: Pasha by the pool
tlkativ: fresh new cut and blow out!
tlkativ: Eric in the pool
tlkativ: Pasha by the pool
tlkativ: visiting Aunt Joy's new place
tlkativ: the doomed paella w/ a lovely wine
tlkativ: Manny & Lynn
tlkativ: exploring the neighborhood
tlkativ: Pasha and Al
tlkativ: Al relaxing on Lynn
tlkativ: Aunt Veda as a child!
tlkativ: tapas dinner
tlkativ: sunset walk in River Wilderness
tlkativ: Dad divvying up the ice wine
tlkativ: Pasha
tlkativ: halfway through the baketime