tlkativ: Brecknock Hall
tlkativ: Brecknock Hall
tlkativ: we are all friends!
tlkativ: Leah and her father
tlkativ: waiting for Leah...
tlkativ: giving the bride away
tlkativ: father and daughter
tlkativ: Brecknock Hall
tlkativ: Brecknock Hall
tlkativ: the wedding party
tlkativ: vows
tlkativ: prayer time
tlkativ: husband and wife
tlkativ: you may now kiss the bride
tlkativ: the happy couple
tlkativ: the happy couple
tlkativ: sneaking in an extra kiss
tlkativ: Eric's parents
tlkativ: me with a glass of LI merlot
tlkativ: making their entrance
tlkativ: the newlyweds!
tlkativ: centerpieces
tlkativ: bride and groom