tlkativ: Bridge of Spies leading into Potsdam
tlkativ: The New Palace in Sanssouci Park
tlkativ: The New Palace in Sanssouci Park
tlkativ: sculpture
tlkativ: lightpost
tlkativ: gold statues
tlkativ: The Chinese House
tlkativ: crocus blooming in the park
tlkativ: mandarin ducks
tlkativ: the terraced gardens of Sanssouci
tlkativ: the fountain
tlkativ: Palace Sanssouci
tlkativ: ostentatious gazebo
tlkativ: windmill
tlkativ: gardens
tlkativ: in the summer this will be full of lilies
tlkativ: stately statue
tlkativ: an angel
tlkativ: The New Palace
tlkativ: the first thing I drank when I got off the plane - of course!
tlkativ: our friend's car... LOVE it.
tlkativ: Potsdam's Brandenburg Gate
tlkativ: hotdogs
tlkativ: Brandenburger Straße (facing west)
tlkativ: Brandenburger Straße (facing east)
tlkativ: yes we can
tlkativ: Brandenburg Gate
tlkativ: Reichstag building
tlkativ: see, we were actually there!
tlkativ: Holocaust Memorial