Trudy -: Out of the Cocoon 2
Trudy -: Butterfly Glow
Trudy -: Butterfly Silhouette
Trudy -: IMG_6316 copy small
Trudy -: From the Cocoon
Trudy -: IMG_0410
Trudy -: Dragonfly
Trudy -: IMG_6383 copy small
Trudy -: Lady Bug
Trudy -: IMG_4648 copy small
Trudy -: IMG_8116 copy small
Trudy -: IMG_8128 copy small
Trudy -: Beauty and Thistle
Trudy -: Butterfly
Trudy -: Assassin Bug Nymph
Trudy -: Buckeye Butterfly from Below
Trudy -: Buckeye Butterfly
Trudy -: Giant Swallowtail Surprise
Trudy -: Gulf Fritillary and Red Flower
Trudy -: Sunflower Treat
Trudy -: Bee / Sunflower
Trudy -: From the Cocoon
Trudy -: Cockrell Butterfly Museum - Butterfly
Trudy -: Cockrell Butterfly Museum - Beetle Exhibit
Trudy -: Butterfly on Pink Flower
Trudy -: Ants
Trudy -: #27
Trudy -: IMG_8466 sm
Trudy -: IMG_8518 sm
Trudy -: IMG_8519 sm