tlally98: Turkey Vulture - Cathartes aura
tlally98: Mangrove Salt Marsh Snake- Nerodia clarkii compressicauda
tlally98: Mangrove Salt Marsh Snake- Nerodia clarkii compressicauda
tlally98: Osprey- Pandion haliaetus
tlally98: Red-shouldered Hawk- Buteo lineatus (juvenile)
tlally98: Brown Anole
tlally98: American Alligator
tlally98: American Alligator
tlally98: American Crocodile- Crocodylus acutus
tlally98: Limpkin- Aramus guarauna
tlally98: Purple Gallinule and Black-bellied Whistling-ducks
tlally98: Roseate Spoonbills
tlally98: Reddish Egret
tlally98: Reddish Egret
tlally98: Reddish Egret
tlally98: American White Pelicans and White Ibis (juvenile)
tlally98: Mottled Duck- Anas fulvigula
tlally98: Osprey- Pandion haliaetus
tlally98: Osprey- Pandion haliaetus
tlally98: Yellow-crowned Night-heron (juvenile)
tlally98: Yellow-crowned Night-heron (juvenile)
tlally98: Yellow-crowned Night-heron (juvenile)
tlally98: Red-shouldered Hawk- Buteo lineatus
tlally98: Wood Stork
tlally98: Snail Kite
tlally98: Sandhill Crane- Grus canadensis
tlally98: Ring-billed Gull- Larus delawarensis
tlally98: Laughing Gull
tlally98: Little Blue Heron (left) and Snowy Egret (right)
tlally98: Eastern Screech-owl