tkfranzen: The Mighty African Baobab (Explore 1/29/2021)
tkfranzen: American Dipper (Explore 10/16/2020)
tkfranzen: Lost and Found and the Short-eared Owl (Explore)
tkfranzen: Hello, Stranger! (Explore 9/2020)
tkfranzen: Tarangire Terrain (Explore 7/5/2020)
tkfranzen: Barred Owlet Puffball (Explore 5/25/2020)
tkfranzen: A Moment in Time (Explore 4/23/2020)
tkfranzen: Ternlet (Explore 6/23/2020)
tkfranzen: The Call of the Loon
tkfranzen: Boundless Energy (Explore #47, 7/25/2019)
tkfranzen: A New Day (Explore 7/15/2019)
tkfranzen: First Sunset (Explore position 12, 6/27/2019)
tkfranzen: Lapping it Up on World Lion Day (Explore 8/10/2017)
tkfranzen: Wild Lion of Ndutu (Explore 6/7/2017)
tkfranzen: Backlit Leopard (Explore 4/2/2017)
tkfranzen: Nom Nom Nom (Explore 3/19/2017)
tkfranzen: Direct Approach (Explore 2/21/2017)
tkfranzen: Safe Haven (Explore 2/12/2017)
tkfranzen: Things found in a Sausage Tree (Explore 1/14/2016)
tkfranzen: Brotherly Love (Added late to Explore #66 12/10/2016)
tkfranzen: Orca Fun (Explore 12/1/2016)
tkfranzen: Brothers (Explore 12/1/2016)
tkfranzen: Orca (Explore 10/22/2016)
tkfranzen: Young Lion Portrait (Explore 10/20/2016)
tkfranzen: Lion Flehmen Response (Explore 10/11/2016)
tkfranzen: Masai Giraffe (Explore 9/25/2016)
tkfranzen: "Just Hangin'" (Explore 8/24/2016)
tkfranzen: Whitetail Buck (Explore 6/18/2016)
tkfranzen: Happy Belated World Turtle Day (Explore 5/24/2016)
tkfranzen: The Chase (Explore 6/18/2015)