tkfranzen: Masai Giraffe (Explore 9/25/2016)
tkfranzen: Lions in a Tree
tkfranzen: Little Bee-eater
tkfranzen: African Elephants
tkfranzen: Portrait of a Wild Lion
tkfranzen: Immature Martial Eagle
tkfranzen: Cape Buffalo
tkfranzen: Life and Death
tkfranzen: Lilac-breasted Roller
tkfranzen: Leopard of Central Serengeti
tkfranzen: Lioness at Sunset
tkfranzen: Common Elands
tkfranzen: Lion Flehmen Response (Explore 10/11/2016)
tkfranzen: Crowned Lapwing
tkfranzen: Baby Vervet
tkfranzen: Acacia Sunset
tkfranzen: Cheetah
tkfranzen: Young Lion Portrait (Explore 10/20/2016)
tkfranzen: Dik-dik
tkfranzen: Back Off!
tkfranzen: Cue the Cattle Egret
tkfranzen: Eye See You!
tkfranzen: Brothers (Explore 12/1/2016)
tkfranzen: Not on Solid Ground
tkfranzen: Ruppell's Griffon Vulture
tkfranzen: "Hey, throw me some meat, will ya?"
tkfranzen: Brotherly Love (Added late to Explore #66 12/10/2016)
tkfranzen: Black-winged Stilt
tkfranzen: Goliath Heron
tkfranzen: Defassa Waterbuck