tkfranzen: Immature Roseate Spoonbill
tkfranzen: Little white Blue
tkfranzen: Brown Pelican
tkfranzen: Juvenile Brown Pelican
tkfranzen: A Roseate Glow in the Golden Hour
tkfranzen: Preening Sandhill Crane
tkfranzen: Great Crested Flycatcher
tkfranzen: A Tricolored Hunter
tkfranzen: Brown Pelican (Explore 4/8/2015)
tkfranzen: Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens)
tkfranzen: Preening Baby
tkfranzen: A Roseate glow in the Golden Hour
tkfranzen: Wake Fishing
tkfranzen: Dance of the Egret
tkfranzen: Young Burrowing Owl
tkfranzen: Gotcha!
tkfranzen: Snowy Egret
tkfranzen: White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)
tkfranzen: Male Anhinga for Father's Day
tkfranzen: "Crunch!"
tkfranzen: "Oops, What Now?"
tkfranzen: Sparring Owls
tkfranzen: Face the Sunshine
tkfranzen: Black-crowned Night Heron
tkfranzen: Common Gallinule
tkfranzen: Black-necked Stilt
tkfranzen: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
tkfranzen: Roseate Spoonbill
tkfranzen: Great Egret
tkfranzen: Swallow-tailed Kite, finally!