tjwitten24301: Grady figured out how to stay warm
tjwitten24301: This the a new addition to the Moulse Crew
tjwitten24301: Theresa is the owner of the new addition
tjwitten24301: Wondering when the coffee will be done?
tjwitten24301: Happy to be here!
tjwitten24301: Jessica "where are your beautiful eyes?"
tjwitten24301: Sharon and Gerald
tjwitten24301: The coffee was flowing at the reunion
tjwitten24301: Russell and Steve look serious
tjwitten24301: Todd and family from Richmond
tjwitten24301: Big beautiful eyes
tjwitten24301: Walking to keep warm?
tjwitten24301: Troy bringing some good food
tjwitten24301: Norma pretty as ever
tjwitten24301: Troy does not look cold at all
tjwitten24301: It was a good day for hugs
tjwitten24301: As usual, there was plenty of food
tjwitten24301: Now everyone is getting serious
tjwitten24301: Irene and her beautiful smile
tjwitten24301: This looks good enough to eat!
tjwitten24301: Mingling and talking
tjwitten24301: Prepared for cold weather
tjwitten24301: Checking out the food
tjwitten24301: I bet Brianna's fingers stayed warm
tjwitten24301: Jeff enjoyed the food
tjwitten24301: Bonnie and Irene's noses are getting cold
tjwitten24301: Cassie's blue eyes
tjwitten24301: Mike waiting for picture to be done to eat
tjwitten24301: Oooo "now it is getting really cold!"
tjwitten24301: Kevin Gardner, thanks for getting the shelter