TJ Mullen: WWWWhhhhaaaaattttt?!?!
TJ Mullen: A is for Apple!!!
TJ Mullen: In Mom's Lap
TJ Mullen: Not another car ride
TJ Mullen: I need to be changed
TJ Mullen: Blue Bear
TJ Mullen: Elephant!!!
TJ Mullen: Whats up?
TJ Mullen: Sweet Potatoes
TJ Mullen: Playing on the Jumper
TJ Mullen: Not another pic dad
TJ Mullen: Getting dropped off at daycare
TJ Mullen: 1st trip to the apple store
TJ Mullen: Sleeping baby
TJ Mullen: Grandma's 29th Birthday
TJ Mullen: Feeding time
TJ Mullen: @firstwatch
TJ Mullen: Bottle time
TJ Mullen: Getting some love
TJ Mullen: Playtime with mom
TJ Mullen: Puddle of drool
TJ Mullen: Napping on the couch
TJ Mullen: Thomas and Kenzie
TJ Mullen: Thomas squared
TJ Mullen: It's changing time
TJ Mullen: Kisses from mom
TJ Mullen: Who are you looking at
TJ Mullen: Its closing day with Larry
TJ Mullen: Our new house!!!