TJJohn12: Table-scrap with my latest acquisitions
TJJohn12: And the table-scrap develops
TJJohn12: Streamline Gas Station - Virtual WIP
TJJohn12: WIP Car Dealership
TJJohn12: Marquee Tablescrap
TJJohn12: Marquee Tablescrap
TJJohn12: Marquee Tablescrap
TJJohn12: Marquee Tablescrap
TJJohn12: Marquee Tablescrap
TJJohn12: Pontiac Dealership - LDD Render
TJJohn12: Heid's of Liverpool - LDD Render WIP
TJJohn12: Pennsylvania Hall WIP - Poor LDD Screenshot
TJJohn12: The next WIP
TJJohn12: Newspaper Office - WIP
TJJohn12: Pink Office Block WIP
TJJohn12: WIP/Sketch - A. Gardner's Mobile Darkroom
TJJohn12: WIP: Gettysburg Cemetery Scene - Fall 1863
TJJohn12: Brickfair Preview: Battle of Gettysburg Collaborative Vignettes
TJJohn12: Brickfair Preview: Battle of Gettysburg Collaborative Vignettes
TJJohn12: Brickfair Preview: Battle of Gettysburg Collaborative Vignettes
TJJohn12: Brickfair Preview: Battle of Gettysburg Collaborative Vignettes
TJJohn12: Gas Station WIP
TJJohn12: Rendering WIP - Dark Blue Theatre
TJJohn12: White Tower - WIP
TJJohn12: John Brown's Fort - LDD WIP
TJJohn12: Armory Engine House WIP - Almost There
TJJohn12: New Years WIPs - White Tower Hamburgers and Pontiac Dealership