TJ Gehling: Ladybug on rose leaf
TJ Gehling: Stink beetle
TJ Gehling: Ladybug
TJ Gehling: Western Blood-Red Lady Beetle?
TJ Gehling: Spotted Cucumber beetle? (formerly long-horned beetle?)
TJ Gehling: Convergent Ladybug
TJ Gehling: Spotted cucumber beetle
TJ Gehling: Harmonia axyridis pupa
TJ Gehling: Asian spotted ladybird beetle
TJ Gehling: Fly away
TJ Gehling: Small and smaller
TJ Gehling: Mind the gap
TJ Gehling: Hang by your feet
TJ Gehling: Cucumber Beetle and Blanketflower
TJ Gehling: A single drop of red
TJ Gehling: Devil's coach horse
TJ Gehling: On the path
TJ Gehling: Lady beware
TJ Gehling: Ladybug on lupin
TJ Gehling: Coleopterus interruptus
TJ Gehling: Climbing herbs
TJ Gehling: A lady and her ant
TJ Gehling: Predator & pest
TJ Gehling: Ladybird on a thorn
TJ Gehling: Gastrophysa leaf beetle
TJ Gehling: Converging on an aphid
TJ Gehling: Ladybug and Gentleman bug
TJ Gehling: Lady beetle larva on fennel
TJ Gehling: Take a giant step
TJ Gehling: Beetle on Hemizonia