TimothyJ: West Indian Manatee
TimothyJ: Curious Manatee - West Indian Manatee
TimothyJ: 'Sister' Spring
TimothyJ: Wood Stork
TimothyJ: Great Blue Heron
TimothyJ: The Chazz
TimothyJ: The Chazz
TimothyJ: The Chazz
TimothyJ: Adult Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
TimothyJ: The Crack
TimothyJ: The Chazz
TimothyJ: Anhinga & Great Blue Heron
TimothyJ: Turkey vultures & Black Vultures
TimothyJ: Anhinga
TimothyJ: Eastern River Cooter?
TimothyJ: West Indian Manatee & Baby
TimothyJ: West Indian Manatee & Baby
TimothyJ: 'Sister' Spring