TimothyJ: The Gang at Launch
TimothyJ: Joanne
TimothyJ: Launching
TimothyJ: Eddie Chillin'
TimothyJ: Anne and Dave
TimothyJ: Sarah and Dusty
TimothyJ: Eddie and Phil
TimothyJ: Blackwater, Lily Pads, Cypress, and Canoe Trail
TimothyJ: Blackwater, Lily Pads, Cypress, and Canoe Trail
TimothyJ: Blackwater, Lily Pads, and Cypress
TimothyJ: Gator Hiding in the Lily Pads
TimothyJ: Barred Owl Eating Something
TimothyJ: Barred Owl Eating Something
TimothyJ: Blackwater, Lily Pads, Cypress, and Canoe Trail
TimothyJ: Blackwater, Lily Pads, and Cypress
TimothyJ: Gator Hiding in the Lily Pads
TimothyJ: Cypress, Blackwater and Lily Pads
TimothyJ: Blackwater Grass
TimothyJ: Anne, Joanne, Dusty, Dave
TimothyJ: Flowers
TimothyJ: Some Weird Flower
TimothyJ: Cypress, Lily Pads and Canoe Trail
TimothyJ: Turtle
TimothyJ: Cypress Knees Reflection
TimothyJ: Joanne, Eddie, & Phil
TimothyJ: Medium Gator Swimming
TimothyJ: Lily Pads Canoe Trail
TimothyJ: Blackwater Reflection
TimothyJ: Campsite Floyd's Island
TimothyJ: Swamp in the Morning Mist