TimothyJ: The start of 6 Gap
TimothyJ: Exposed granite.
TimothyJ: Mountain View.
TimothyJ: Woody Gap.
TimothyJ: Lake.
TimothyJ: Wolf Pen.
TimothyJ: Downhill.
TimothyJ: Switchback.
TimothyJ: Country Store.
TimothyJ: Jacks Gap.
TimothyJ: Road Art.
TimothyJ: Unicoi Gap.
TimothyJ: Mountian View.
TimothyJ: Another Mountain View.
TimothyJ: Hogpen Gap.
TimothyJ: Descent off Hogpen.
TimothyJ: Party Bus!
TimothyJ: Boiling Peanuts.
TimothyJ: Waterfall.
TimothyJ: Neels Gap.
TimothyJ: Local restaurant.
TimothyJ: My Old, Trusted Truck.
TimothyJ: Moi
TimothyJ: Doug
TimothyJ: Lapierre
TimothyJ: Climbing Woody's Gap
TimothyJ: Climbing Woody's Gap
TimothyJ: Pasture on 180 Near Jack's Gap
TimothyJ: Turners Cafe