tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic State Senator Liz Mathis speaking.
tjacobs61: Sen Herman Quimbach
tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic Senator Tony Bisignano from Des Moines.
tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic Rep Mary Mascher
tjacobs61: Democrats standing up for state workers
tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic Representativ Dave Jacoby
tjacobs61: Rep. Todd Taylor of Cedar Rapids.
tjacobs61: Iowa Legislature
tjacobs61: Iowa Senator Nate Boulton
tjacobs61: Bad guy trying to take away our worker rights. Schultz.
tjacobs61: Rep Amy Nielson
tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic Rep. Todd Taylor on legislative floor .
tjacobs61: Iowa Senators Liz Mathis and Joe Bolkcom
tjacobs61: Iowa State Senator Herman Quirmbach, defending Public Employees and opposing Branstad Bill.
tjacobs61: Gallery taxpayers standing in support of Public Employees.
tjacobs61: Iowa Democratic State Sen Joe from Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Sen. Dvorsky
tjacobs61: Sen. Mathis at Iowa Legislature.
tjacobs61: Rep Kirsten Running Marquardt, an old friend telling me to go to the Senate in debate.
tjacobs61: Iowa State Senator Tony Bisignano
tjacobs61: State Sen. Bob Dvorsky.
tjacobs61: Iowa Senate Democrats
tjacobs61: Iowa Legislature board during Coll. Barg. Mike Weinard at far right.
tjacobs61: Vicki Lensing-Democrat at State Capitol
tjacobs61: Iowa Democrat
tjacobs61: Iowa Legislature.
tjacobs61: Sen. Tony Bisignano.
tjacobs61: Iowa State House Democrats standing up for Iowa Public Employees against Republican attacks.
tjacobs61: Democrats standing up for Iowa Public Employees.
tjacobs61: Iowa House members.