tjacobs61: My fellow Anti-Trump protesters In Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Jamie the drummer woman at Anti-Trump protest.
tjacobs61: Jamie and Santa
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump Rally in Iowa City in Jan 2016.
tjacobs61: No Hate in Great.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump Rally in Jan. 2016 in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: "Dump the Trump. Feel the Bern" was one chant on Jan. 26 in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Trump waiting line "hyjinks".
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protest in Iowa City before the caucus.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump signs in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protesters in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protest in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protesters in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Debate outside the rally.
tjacobs61: So I went to protest at a Trump Rally.
tjacobs61: Build a wall against bigotry. Anti-Trump protesters.
tjacobs61: IMG_3150
tjacobs61: Protesting at a Trump rally.
tjacobs61: Donald Trump protest.
tjacobs61: Build a wall around Donald Trump
tjacobs61: More signs.
tjacobs61: Disagreements at the Trump rally. Sikh vs Trump hat seller in Iowa City, USA. No hats made in USA.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protest in Iowa City.
tjacobs61: A Sikh vs Trumpsters.
tjacobs61: Anti-Trump protest Jan. 26, 2016, Iowa City, Iowa.
tjacobs61: Line to go see Trump that we were protesting.
tjacobs61: Waiting for Trump Speech.
tjacobs61: Nic taking photos of folks at protest.
tjacobs61: We love Our Muslim Neighbors was also a chant.
tjacobs61: peddling Trump hats and buttons.