tjacobs61: US Congressman Dave Loebsack talking issues with constituents.
tjacobs61: IMG_0389
tjacobs61: Cong Dave Loebsack listening to Maria and other constituents at Hamburg Inn, Iowa City.
tjacobs61: Dave Loebsack listening to voters.
tjacobs61: Dave Loebsack
tjacobs61: Owner of Hamburg Inn Dave and Congressman Dave.
tjacobs61: Karley voting with coffee beans at Hamburg Inn.
tjacobs61: Karley and Grandma Fran at Loebsack event at Hamburg Inn.
tjacobs61: Hamburg Inn's coffee bean tally for Iowa Election 2014.
tjacobs61: 2014 Labor Day picnic. With Jim's sign.
tjacobs61: Cong. Dave Loebsack on 2014 Labor Day Picnic.
tjacobs61: Mike Weinard and Christine Weinard helping out at the Iowa City Labor Day Picnic for 2014
tjacobs61: Dave Leshtz' tee shirt at the 2014 Labor Day picnic.
tjacobs61: Ed Flaherty walking in front of union banners.
tjacobs61: Jim Jacobson and his shirt. Organizing is Power.
tjacobs61: Kevin Kinney, Democratic Candidate for State Senator.
tjacobs61: Morgan and Joe
tjacobs61: Iowa State Senator Bob Dvorsky introduces Senate Candidate Kevin Kinney at the Iowa City Labor Day Picnic.
tjacobs61: Mike Carberry and Tom Carsner at Labor Day Picnic.
tjacobs61: Mike Carberry, Candidate for Johnson Co. Iowa County Supervisor
tjacobs61: County Attorney Janet Lyness getting doused by her daughter at the Iowa City Fed. Labor Day Picnic.
tjacobs61: Larry and Ann getting ready for bike travel.