tjacobs61: AFSCME members Joe Marron & Dick Byers
tjacobs61: Sen Grassley doesn't want reminded of this issue
tjacobs61: Rod Sullivan and Kim Painter
tjacobs61: Iowa Gov Culver talking to AFSCME member Bob Sulzer
tjacobs61: getting ready for parade
tjacobs61: Hawkeye Harley
tjacobs61: State Sen Bob Dvorsky and Doug Durando
tjacobs61: Jim Walters & neighbors.
tjacobs61: Jean Martin & Dan Daly
tjacobs61: Read Banned Books
tjacobs61: City Library folk
tjacobs61: The City Library group in Homecoming parade had a theme of "read banned books"
tjacobs61: Univ. of Iowa Homecoming parade 2010
tjacobs61: Library folk interacting with crowd
tjacobs61: Cathy Kern & Kerry Bowen watching Homecoming Parade.
tjacobs61: Univ. of Iowa Homecoming parade 2010
tjacobs61: little folk love a parade
tjacobs61: Hawk Fans watching parade
tjacobs61: Little folks transfixed in crowd
tjacobs61: Steve Shaffer waves at our truck
tjacobs61: Library folk interacting with crowd
tjacobs61: Waiting with bags
tjacobs61: Jim Walters City Fed truck & sign
tjacobs61: Dems & Old Capitol
tjacobs61: Here come the Democrats
tjacobs61: Sen. Bolkcom & Dvorsky lead way for Gov Culver, Lt. Gov Judge & other Dems
tjacobs61: Lt. Gov Patty Judge & Gov Culver in parade
tjacobs61: img_6204
tjacobs61: AFSCME member Bob Sulzer and Roxanne
tjacobs61: Roxanne