tjacobs61: Honoring the workers that died on the job last year
tjacobs61: Worker's Memorial Day 2010
tjacobs61: Todd Taylor, John Stellmach, Terri Byers, Ed Alcock of AFSCME
tjacobs61: David Leshtz reading Cong. Loebsack's statement
tjacobs61: Honoring the workers that died on the job last year
tjacobs61: Worker's Memorial Day 2010. Including Dennis, Todd, Ed, Teri, Daniel,
tjacobs61: David Leshtz reading Cong. Loebsack's statement
tjacobs61: Patrick talks about recent mine deaths.
tjacobs61: Dennis Ryan IBEW 405
tjacobs61: honoring workers who died on the job in 2009
tjacobs61: Sarah Swisher, SEIU speaks about workers "gone but not forgotten"
tjacobs61: Sarah Swisher , Iowa City School Board & Cathy Glasson, SEIU
tjacobs61: Dan Johnson-O'Mara plays his memorial salute
tjacobs61: Dan Johnson-O'Mara, AFSCME, plays his memorial salute
tjacobs61: Dan Johnson-O'Mara plays his memorial salute
tjacobs61: Jean the volunteer
tjacobs61: Joe Marron & Ed Alcock, longtime AFSCME veterans of memorials
tjacobs61: after memorial participants discuss issues
tjacobs61: after the memorial; discussion
tjacobs61: after the memorial
tjacobs61: Patrick Hughes, President of Iowa City Fed of Labor speaks on recent mine deaths.
tjacobs61: David Leshtz reading Cong. Loebsack's tribute in Congress.