tjacobs61: Iowa River flood waters rising.
tjacobs61: "The Lost Boys" sign.
tjacobs61: Marc, Mark, Joe & Steve at UI Power Plant.
tjacobs61: Chris Stoltz family
tjacobs61: Bob Selby
tjacobs61: Bob, Andy, (former PP Chief) Roy Rios (Steam Distrib)
tjacobs61: Building Silo 3
tjacobs61: Bob Litton, JJ, Butch
tjacobs61: Elisa Breaking up ash clinkers in coal boiler
tjacobs61: Chief Rick Kutcher-- 1977
tjacobs61: Power Plant employees & students sandbagging
tjacobs61: Dave McClain, Rod Lehnertz, Mark Maxwell strategizing
tjacobs61: Ferman & Ben planning at median on Burlington Street.
tjacobs61: Power Plant employees help in statewide protest state contract negotiations
tjacobs61: Phil, Mark & David's head.
tjacobs61: Burlington St Dam in the cold
tjacobs61: UI Power Plant from West on Hawkins Drive, Iowa City, Iowa
tjacobs61: Danjo on break Oct 31, 2007
tjacobs61: Ken Brown retirement party
tjacobs61: Dale Lenz, Rich Hormel
tjacobs61: Joe & Don
tjacobs61: Burl. St bridge resurfacing, 1986
tjacobs61: Red Hastert in car at Sinclair after tornado
tjacobs61: Hal Weinard
tjacobs61: Becky as Utilityworker
tjacobs61: Rick Beattie dismounting from U of I car.
tjacobs61: Chris before retirement
tjacobs61: Ken Brown's retirement party
tjacobs61: retiree Harold Kruse talks with Bill Cahill and Joe.
tjacobs61: Bob Lane calling for more sandbags for the Power Plant.